Your health depends on what you eat. If you keep up with the safety of food and also a healthy diet, you can enhance your health. In contrast to that, unsafe food practices and foods that are unwholesome lead to serious health problems, just as poor quality of fuel leads to car issues. On this World Food Safety Day, let us go through the various food safety problems and solutions.
According to WHO (World Health Organization),
“Every country in the world is affected by one or more forms of malnutrition.”
This is a term that involves not only undernutrition but also includes conditions like obesity and overweight. Frequent consumption of unwholesome and unhealthy food to carbonated drinks raises the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and also cancer. According to a report, poor nutrition is the result of at least 11 million deaths in just a year. The World Health Organization anticipates that contaminated foods kill over a thousand people each day and lead to health issues for hundreds of millions causing food safety issues.
Food safety is just some basic thing that we need to maintain. There is no rocket science involved. Ensuring the safety of food is all about doing our regular things a bit more cautiously. Let us have a look at the things that we should maintain for food safety. Also, these points will answer your questions on why is food safety important?
The first food safety tip includes preparing your food safely. We need to prepare our foods safely because dangerous germs in contaminated water and food can enter our system, thus making us sick. Here are some of the expert recommendations that you can follow.
Germs excreted from raw foods like meat and also the juices that it releases will contaminate other foods. So it is advisable to never keep those foods together.
Harmful germs in the food can only be killed if the food is cooked well at a high temperature.
If food is kept at a temperature between 5 and 60 degrees Celsius (40–140°F) for nearly 20 minutes, the number of bacteria in it can increase further. Along with that, if raw meat is not kept at safe temperatures, some bacteria can release toxins that are not destroyed by cooking.
Safety of food implies routine in the handling, preparation, and the storage of food meant for preventing foodborne injury or illness. From factory to the farm to fork, food items may encounter any amount of health hazards at the time of their journey via the supply chain. On this World Food Safety Day, we have discussed the various tips to ensure food safety through our daily chores.
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