Easy And Effective Monsoon Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin
- Lifestyle Beauty
Alessia Braun
- September 2, 2021
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- 6 minutes read
After the burning summer heat, the monsoon arrives as a relief. The temperature finally becomes bearable. While there are many advantages to look forward to this season, we should not forget that the rainy season brings with it a lot of skin issues. So in this article, we will discuss 5 monsoon beauty tips that will not cause those skin issues during monsoon.
5 Most Effective Monsoon Beauty Tips
If you are wondering how to take care of oily skin in monsoon , here is your answer. As the weather in the monsoon starts to become unpredictable and the level of humidity increases, our skin finds it hard to adjust to the alterations and maintain its glow. Good skincare in monsoon plus home remedies routine should be made and followed to fight these skin issues. Here are some Monsoon beauty tips that you should consider to keep your skin fresh and healthy.
Use soap free cleanser
The first thing that you will need to ensure is that you use a cleanser that does not contain soap. Use a gentle cleanser and avoid stripping the natural oil off your skin which is required for all seasons. No matter what the type of your skin is, shift to a soap free face cleanser during the rainy season to get rid of oil and dirt without making your skin dry. So choose your monsoon skincare product wisely.
Exfoliation is key
Your monsoon beauty tip should include regular exfoliation. It allows you to get rid of dead skin cells and provides your skin with a healthy shine. Scrubbing your skin twice or thrice every week also increases the circulation of blood that enables you to flush out the toxins from your skin. Also when the dead skin layer is removed from your skin, your beauty products will also be absorbed better. This is a monsoon tip for glowing skin.
Opt for minimal makeup
If you are not wearing any makeup or less makeup all of the summer, it is recommended that you continue that in the monsoon. Heavy makeup looks won’t stay long and also they tend to block your skin pores. Go for products like the CC creams that evens out your complexion, and avoid heavy foundations or bases. This will give your skin the opportunity to breathe. Also if possible avoid lipsticks, and use tinted lip balms which will nourish your lips.
Use a toner
This is another monsoon skin tip. The increase in humidity will make your skin feel sticky or greasy. Therefore it is important to use toner during summer. Ensure to add an alcohol-free toner to your monsoon skincare routine to keep your skin non-greasy and healthy. Try to look for products that have antioxidant ingredients like glycolic acid or green tea to keep up with the pH levels, control all the blemishes, and tighten the enlarged pores. The face toner by Minimalist might serve your purpose well.
Don’t skip sunscreen
Another rainy day skincare tip includes the use of sunscreen. One common mistake that most of us make is avoiding sunscreen as soon as the monsoon begins. Just because the sun is hidden behind the clouds does not imply that it will not harm your skin. Therefore it is important to use sunscreen throughout the year. Use non-oily sunscreen to your monsoon skincare routine.
It is true that the monsoon brings us relief after the burning heat of summer when our skin also undergoes many issues. But this does not imply the monsoon does not cause any harm to our skin. Our skin should be taken care of irrespective of the seasons. Only the techniques should change with every season. In the above, we have discussed the top 5 monsoon beauty tips that will allow you to keep your skin healthy.