Actor Sidharth Malhotra and Rashmika Mandanna will be seen in the latest thriller Mission Majnu. The Mission Majnu movie will hit the theaters on 10 June as per the latest announcements made by the makers. Let us know about this film in more detail.
Directed by Shantanu Bagchi, the 1970-set spying thriller stars Malhotra as a RAW agent, who conducts a covert operation on Pakistani land. Mission Majnu movie release date was previously scheduled for May 13. The news of the film’s latest release was shared by the production house RSVP on their social media handle. The studio posted on Instagram stating,
“The target is set! Get ready to be a part of India’s most daring RAW mission in the heart of Pakistan. Inspired by true events, #MissionMajnu releasing on 10th June 2022.”
The target is set!
— RSVP (@RSVPMovies) March 9, 2022
Get ready to be a part of India’s most daring RAW mission in the heart of Pakistan.
Inspired by true events, #MissionMajnu releasing on 10th June 2022 🍿@SidMalhotra @iamRashmika @RonnieScrewvala @amarbutala #GarimaMehta @GBAMedia_Off pic.twitter.com/fktx43Rynt
The film is produced by Amar Butala and Garima Mehta of Guilty By Association Media and Ronnie Screwvala of RSVP. This film marks the Hindi film debut of Rashmika Mandanna, who was most recently seen in the Telugu blockbuster Pushpa.
Actor Sidharth Malhotra states that his character of a RAW agent in his upcoming Mission Majnu movie has much more to show than any conventional action sequence. This movie marks the feature directorial debut of the ad director Shantanu Bagchi. As per the makers, the film is inspired by true events that are set in the 1970s and follows the narrative of the most courageous mission of India in the land of Pakistan that changed the relationship of both nations completely. Sidharth Malhotra in an interview said,
“This is a film inspired by true events. It’s about an important mission that RAW did. It is more of a thriller than action. This is the first time I am playing a spy agent but it is not a James Bond character. I am somebody who keeps manipulating people to get information out. In that manipulation, I got an opportunity to play various shades that I had not in the past. It’s a tone and world that is completely fresh. I have not done a period film before. It was a new experience.”
He further said that,
“We are fortunate to have her in the film and introduce her to the Hindi audience. She is extremely talented and expressive. I saw her work in films but to see her as a co-actor was interesting. Our pairing will be fresh.”
After the abundance of love and appreciation that Rashmika received from her film Pushpa: The Rise, she hopes that the audience loves her upcoming Hindi films to that extent only. Her upcoming movies include “Mission Majnu” and “Goodbye”. She is very excited about her first Bollywood venture. In an interview, she said,
"One of my films that was released at the end of 2021 was ‘Pushpa'. And I am super grateful that every year I have had a release. I have had hits before COVID-19 and all these years also and I hope in 2022 also this will continue."
Adding to that she said,
"I hope the Hindi films that I am associated with ‘Mission Majnu' and ‘Goodbye' do well. I am super glad that these two films happened. With 'Pushpa', the year ended on a high note."
Recalling how she got her first Hindi project ‘Mission Majnu’, the actor unveiled that the offer came to her during the first phase of lockdown. And after two months, she was cast for another Bollywood movie, ‘Goodbye’. She said,
"I got a call for ‘Mission Majnu' as they were searching for a fresh face but at the same time someone with experience. They reached (out) to me. It is a film which I wouldn't have done if it wasn't my Hindi film. ‘Mission Majnu' is an experiment for me, I hope it works well.”
She further added,
"I got a call from a friend about the film who asked if I would be interested. I read the script and felt I had to be part of it even before I got to know about the actors involved in the film. It is the story that led me to do the film. And me getting to work with Amitabh Bachchan was icing on the cake. It was an honor to be working with him."
Mission Majnu full movie online release has not been announced yet. Before you get to know the cast, watch the Mission Majnu trailer now.
Here is the complete cast of the Mission Majnu movie.
Mission Majnu movie is written by Aseem Arrora, Parveez Shaikh, and Sumit Batheja while producers Garima Mehta and Amar Butala are co-producing the film with Ronnie Screwvala’s RSVP Movies. The movie is inspired by real incidents and is set in the 1970s. It will narrate the plot of a mission that changed the relationship among India and Pakistan forever. You can watch Mission Majnu full movie in theaters on June 10.
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