Akshay Kumar starrer Ram Setu box office collection was great considering the backlash from audiences toward Bollywood movies. This was the biggest opening for our Khiladi this year after movies like Bachchan Pandey and Raksha Bandhan. The Ram Setu box office collection for the opening day was about ₹15 crore, which is considered to be significant enough.
When two films are released on the same day there is a high level of competition between them which remains unsaid. In the case of Ram Setu and Thank God, both of which were released on October 25, 2022, just a day after Diwali, saw the victory of the former. The Thank God box office collection was nearly ₹8-9 crore. This was much less than that of Ram Setu. Therefore, after this optimistic opening, the latter is expected to improve day by day. For those who do not know about the plot of the movie, the Ram Setu IMDb page notes the storyline as:
“An atheist archaeologist turned believer must race against time to prove the true existence of the legendary Ram Setu before evil forces destroy the pillar of India's heritage.”
Akshay Kumar’s performance has been exemplary in the movie. The film did significantly well than its competitor. This is because the other one was thought to have mocked Hindu deities whereas Ram Setu managed to gain the audience’s trust.
The official Ram Setu trailer is provided for you to have a glance at it if you haven’t already.
The main Ram Setu cast members are:
The Ram Setu box office collection figures are expected to go up on a great scale. However, we need to wait for the actual results as just the opening day can’t decide how well or how worse a movie might perform at the box office.
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