Recently the trailer of Rashmi Rocket movie has been launched. This bowling film that stars Taapsee Pannu in the lead role, navigates around a country girl who wishes to become an international athlete. Besides Taapsee, the film will also see the casting of Abhishek Bannerjee, Priyanshu Painyuli, and Supriya Pathak. By sharing the tailor on her Instagram handle, Tapsee wrote,
“On your mark aur get set to ho chuka hai, ab baas go hona baki hai. Rashmi Rocket ki speed se arai hai aj 6.30 baaje.”
In the trailer, Rashmi, who is played by Tapsee is introduced as a talented runner, since her birth. She wins prizes for the country and climbs up the ladder of success at a very young age. However, her life takes a stiff turn when she is being called in for a gender verification test, which leaves her shattered. Accused of being a fraud and also banned from the national team, Rashmi files a human rights violation case, and getting the help of a lawyer, who is being played by Abhishek, she fights for justice. Rashmi Rocket story is based on all those athletes who are shattered by the society on the basis of their figures. Rashmi Rocket is a true story of all those aspiring sportswomen who are discriminated against for their body shape. Here is the Rashmi Rocket trailer.
This film is directed by Akarsh Khurana, and Rashmi Rocket release date has been scheduled on October 15, on Zee5. The film has been co-written by Kanika Dhillon, who had also worked with Taapsee for her previous film Haseen Dillruba.
Taapsee underwent a massive physical transformation to play a sprinter in the Rashmi Rocket movie. Through the filming, the actor often shared pictures of her intense training and transformation on her social media handle. Recently, when she shared a picture from the sets, a Bollywood news-centric Twitter account retweeted her post and wrote,
“Ye Mard Ki Body Wali sirf @taapsee Hi Ho Sakti hai (Only Taapsee can have a manly body like this).”
To that Taapsee responded,
“All I will say is…. Just remember this line and wait for 23rd September 🙂 And advance mein THANK YOU I really worked hard for this compliment.”
The complete cast of Rashmi Rocket are:
The Rashmi Rocket movie is skipping theatre releases and is releasing directly on Zee5. Before this film, Taapsee Pannu was seen in Annabelle Sethupathi and Haseen Dillruba, which also opted for a digital release and attained great success. The actor has a few more movies in the pipeline for its audiences. These films include Dobaara, Loop Lapeta, Shabaash Mithu, and also her debut production Blurr.
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