Rashami Desai is ready to make her debut in the OTT platform with the upcoming Tandoor web series. This series will also star Tanuj Virwani which is a popular name in the OTT channels. Ever since the release of the Tandoor web series trailer, it has created a buzz among the audience. The Tandoor web series story is to some extent inspired by a real life incident that happened in Delhi, where a wife was killed by her politician husband. The series is said to be released on the Ullu app and the Tandoor web series release date is scheduled for 23rd July.
Both the actors shared the trailer of Tandoor on their Instagram handles. While sharing the trailer, Tanuj wrote,
"Tandoor". Here you go, guys. It’s finally here. Check it out and let me know your thoughts. Show drops on the 23rd of July (sic)."
Earlier this week, a romantic track “Tujh Bin” was released on social media where Tanuj Virwani and Reshami Desai were seen sharing a lovely moment with each other.
Speaking about her role in this web series, Rashami Desai said,
"As the script of Tandoor came to me, I was very sure that I wanted to do this show. The character is based in the 80s, and even then Palak is outspoken, fearless, and amazingly intelligent. I’m quite sure that the audience will admire the change and versatility of an actor that I’m trying to portray here. Tanuj has been absolutely fun to work with and has been there for me throughout the shoot."
Rashami Desai is a popular actor who gained her popularity from the Indian television. Her popular works include Yeh Lamhe Judaai Ke, Dabangg 2, Superstar, Six X, and many more.
Speaking about Tandoor, Tanuj Virwani said,
"In Tandoor, I play a man called Sahil Sharma who is responsible for murdering his wife and chopping her up and putting her in a Tandoor from the Dhaba he owns and throwing her on the outskirts of Delhi”.
He further explains that the series not only revolves around these dirty actions but the audience will also witness Tanuj playing the role from three varied perspectives in his life. Stating further more about this, Tanuj added,
"It shows how they met in college, the present time of how all of this happened and his fallout in the future. So I am practically essaying three different characters and it isn’t like anything I have done before".
The chemistry of Reshami Desai and Tnauj Virwani will be seen for the first time on screen. In an interview when Tanuj was asked about his role and how has he prepared for that he says,
"Rashmi is an absolute darling and she is one of my favorite co-stars. Our director, Nivedita Basu cast Rashmi and she is a powerhouse. Again, I did not know her before the show and we had some really intense scenes where we were at loggerheads with each other and it is pretty dark and you really have to emotionally strip yourself of any baggage and just go for it and she went for it and so did I."
He further added that,
“Big on that show and cannot wait for the audience to watch it.”
The Tandoor web series cast includes:
The Tandoor web series reviews are yet to come. The audiences are expecting to take a lot from this series. Tandoor web series watch online option is available on the Ullu app. Tune into the Ullu app on 23rd July.
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