Cure Mouth Ulcers: An Easy Guide For Your Physical Wellness

Cure Mouth Ulcers: An Easy Guide For Your Physical Wellness

Mouth ulcers that are also known as canker sores are generally painful, small lesions that develop inside your mouth or at times at the base of your gums. They can make talking, drinking, and eating uncomfortable. Adolescents, women, and individuals with a family history of mouth ulcers are generally exposed more to this risk. If you are one among them, let us see how you can cure mouth ulcers. 

But there is one thing that should be noted. Mouth ulcers are not contagious and they usually go away within 1-2 weeks. However, if you develop a canker sore that is extremely painful or large, or if it stays for a long time without healing, you should visit a doctor. And if you are looking for how to cure mouth ulcers fast naturally, then you are in the right place. Keep reading to find out how you can cure mouth ulcers easily.

What Causes Mouth Ulcers?

There is no structured cause behind the mouth ulcer. However, there are a few causes that can trigger the development of canker sores. So before we get into how to cure mouth ulcers, let us see the factors that cause this. 

  • Small mouth injury from dental work, sports injury, hard brushing, or accidental bite. 
  • Mouth rinse and toothpaste that has sodium lauryl sulfate. 
  • Food that is sensitive to acidic foods like citrus, strawberry, and pineapples, and other causes by foods like coffee and chocolate. 
  • Scarcity of important vitamins like zinc, B-12, iron, and folate. 
  • Result of mouth bacteria
  • Infection from dental braces
  • Hormonal alterations during menstruation
  • Lack of sleep or emotional stress
  • Viral, bacteria, and fungal infections.

Before You, Cure Mouth Ulcer Know Its Symptoms

The mouth ulcer symptoms can range from minor, major, and herpetiform. It is essential for you to know the symptoms to evaluate how to cure mouth ulcers.


Minor canker sores are tiny round or oval ulcers that cure within one to two weeks with no scarring.


Major mouth ulcers are deeper and larger than minor ones. They have uneven edges and can take up to six weeks to cure. Long-term scarring can be the outcome of mouth ulcers.


Herpetiform mouth ulcers are pinpoint the size, happen in clusters of 10 to 100, and at times affect adults. This type of mouth ulcer also has irregular edges and will at times heal without scarring within one to two weeks.

You should visit a doctor if you have any of the following:

  • unusually large mouth ulcers
  • New development of mouth ulcers before the old ones is cured
  • sores that stays over three weeks
  • sores that are painless
  • mouth ulcers that spread to the lips
  • pain that cannot be controlled with natural or over-the-counter medication
  • severe problems in drinking and eating

How To Cure Mouth Ulcers?

Most mouth ulcers do not require treatment. However, if you develop mouth ulcers often or they are very painful, a number of cures can reduce pain and also the healing time. These include:

  • using a rinse of baking soda and salt water. This salt water wash for mouth ulcers is highly effective. 
  • Applying milk of magnesia on the mouth ulcer
  • Applying baking soda paste on the mouth ulcers
  • using over-the-counter benzocaine (topical anesthetic) products like Anbesol or  Orajel
  • applying ice to mouth ulcer
  • using a mouth rinse that has a steroid to decrease swelling and pain
  • using topical pastes
  • Applying damp tea bags on your canker sore
  • taking nutritional supplements like vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12, folic acid, and zinc
  • trying natural cures such as echinacea, myrrh, chamomile tea, and licorice root

The Bottom Line

You can take actions to cure mouth ulcers. If you are wondering how to cure mouth ulcer permanently, then you will have to follow this. Ignoring foods that irritate your mouth can help you. That may include acidic fruits like grapefruit, oranges, pineapple, or lemon, along with nuts, chips, or anything that is spicy.

Instead, you may opt for whole grains and alkaline (non acidic) vegetables and fruits. Eat a healthy, well maintained diet and take a regular multivitamin. Also try to avoid talking while you are chewing your food to decrease accidental bites. Decreasing stress and keeping up with good oral hygiene with dental floss daily and brushing twice a day after meals also may help. Lastly, get enough rest and sleep. Other than that there are various mouth ulcer gel that you can use only after consulting the doctor. This not only will protect you from mouth ulcers but is a safeguard against other illnesses as well.

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Alessia Braun

Alessia Braun is a health, fitness, and beauty influencer who wishes to share her knowledge through her articles in News Magnify.

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