Best Easy Detox Drinks For A Super Healthy Body

Best Easy Detox Drinks For A Super Healthy Body

Every year we see a new concept coming up with varied assertions of increasing health or raising longevity. Even though these practices exist for more than centuries in varied forms, detoxification or detox drinks have become quite famous lately. These drinks claim to discard toxins which is the main reason for all health hazards. These toxins are the main reasons for acne, hair loss, obesity, joint pain, and many more.

In this article, we will have a look at the top 5 detox drinks that will help you to lead a healthy life.

5 Best Detox Drinks At Home

We often tend to intake a lot of junk in our diet, which affects our health badly. And to get over that we take medicines. But we forget that it is our responsibility to throw out all the toxins that we intake and we can do that with some natural processes. There are many benefits of detox drinks. It helps to cleanse our body, starts a good metabolism, and also helps in weight loss. There are many detox drinks for weight loss at home that you can try. So without any further delay let us get started. These are all the detox drinks homemade.

Lemon and ginger detox drink

This is the best detox drink that is effective for weight loss as well. Squeeze half a lemon in one glass of lukewarm water and add one inch of grated ginger. Drink this mixture every morning on an empty stomach and then check your weight after 1-2 months. You will definitely see good results. This is a great weight loss detox drink and also a detox drink for alcohol. 

According to Sujata Sharma who is a Delhi-based diabetes educator for the BeatO app,

“Ginger contains gingerol which is known to prevent stomach problems and aid digestion. Lemons are not only rich in Vitamin C but also antioxidants which fight the production of free radicals in the body. When combined with an effective exercise regimen, this can work wonders.”

Cinnamon and honey

This drink is prepared by mixing half a tablespoon of cinnamon powder and honey into a glass of lukewarm water. Also, a dash of fresh lime to this drink can help in the process of fat burning as well. Cinnamon is renowned for curb craving and honey is known for aiding metabolism.

Cucumber and mint detox drink

This detox drink not only aids in flushing out toxins from our body but also tastes delicious. Mint and cucumber when added to water are a good combination that aids digestion. To make this drink, take a big pitcher and add a few slices of cucumber along with some fresh mint leaves. Allow it to infuse for some time and drink it throughout the day. 

Cucumber has antioxidants that help in fighting with free radicals and because of its hydrating effects, it helps in the removal of toxins from the body.

Green Tea

The green tea detox drink is a simple way to throw out harmful toxins, promote better health, and boost the level of energy.  Its proponents assert that simply adding a few regular servings of green tea in our diet can clear the blemishes, increase fat burning, and develop immune functions. This is a detox drink to buy. 

Mainly, a green tea detox involves taking in 3-6 cups of green tea on a regular basis to your diet. It does not require you to avoid some foods or decrease your intake of calories but it is suggested to exercise and abide by a nutrient rich diet when you are in your detox regime.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juices are known to be a natural diuretic and can help in throwing out excessive water. It also has anthocyanin which is a powerful antioxidant that is good for combating certain infections and diseases and helps to manage the level of cholesterol. It is also popular for curing UTI (urinary tract infections). Also, this is the best detox drink for liver.

The Bottom Line

Junk food is a part of our life now and we cannot avoid that. So all that we can do is take care of the intakes and also prepare an alternative chart that will help in cleansing our body. For that, we will require detox drinks that will help us to do so.. In this article, we have discussed the top 5 detox drinks that are also very effective for weight loss and metabolism of the body. Try to follow the diet on a regular basis to get the best results.

Frequently Asked Questions On Detox Drinks

1. Which drink is best for detox?

The best detox drinks include lemon detox drinks, green tea, cranberry juice, and many more.

2. What can I drink to detox my body fast?

The green tea detox drink is a simple way to throw out harmful toxins, promote better health, and boost the level of energy. Its proponents assert that simply adding a few regular servings of green tea to our diet can clear the blemishes, increase fat burning, and develop immune functions.

3. How can I detox my body in 7 days?

This detox drink not only aids in flushing out toxins from our body but also tastes delicious. Mint and cucumber when added to water are a good combination that aids digestion. To make this drink, take a big pitcher and add a few slices of cucumber along with some fresh mint leaves. Allow it to infuse for some time and drink it throughout the day.
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Alessia Braun

Alessia Braun is a health, fitness, and beauty influencer who wishes to share her knowledge through her articles in News Magnify.

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