5 Weight Loss Workouts That Will Give You Best Results

5 Weight Loss Workouts That Will Give You Best Results

Without proper exercise, losing weight is a distant dream. You may have a clean eating habit, follow a healthy lifestyle, and do everything correctly, even then there might not be any change in the circumference of your waist. This will prevail if you do not include exercise in your daily routine. In this article, we will talk about some of the weight loss workouts that you can incorporate to get the best results. 

Top 5 Weight Loss Workout

While all forms of exercise are effective for you to increase the daily level of physical activity, some are specifically beneficial in torching the calories that are needed to shed off your extra kilos. Here are 5 forms of weight loss workout at home that can be incorporated into your daily routine to burn more calories and avoid boredom. 

Jumping rope

Bring the good golden days back along with a jumping workout to your regular routine. This weight loss workout is ideal for days when you want to avoid going out for a cardio session or you want to avoid spending a good amount of time in the gym. Just 15 minutes of the skipping rope can offer you a good cardio workout and help you to burn nearly 200 to 300 calories. It can also be done at the comfort of your home and does not need expensive equipment. If you wish to make your workout with the skipping rope more challenging then you can try variations. If you are looking for the fastest weight loss exercise, then this is the ideal one for you. 

HIIT (High-intensity interval training)

HIIT is ideal for experienced fitness lovers. In this weight loss workout, one has to do all the bodyweight exercises one after the other with very less resting time. Novices, who are a beginner in this bodyweight workout may undermine their form and end up getting injured. There are other weight loss workout plans for beginners at home that they can try. HIIT is an advanced form of a workout that can help the performer burn anywhere among 450 calories in every 30 minutes.


If you do not subscribe to the idea of a general workouts, you can opt for boxing. It is a fun activity that can also help you burn tons of calories in less time. It also helps you to flex your muscles and also construct strength in your lower and upper limbs. With this exercise, you can burn nearly 525 calories every hour of boxing a punching bag. This is known as the best exercise to lose weight.

Stair exercise

Do you have any instruments at home? If not, then there is nothing to worry about. you can easily change your stair into calorie-burning equipment. There are various exercises that you can carry out on your stairs when you are trying to shed your kilos. Jumping, stair running, lunging, and squatting are some exercises that the performer can do with the help of their stairs to burn lots of calories in very little time. You can burn nearly 0.17 calories for every step that you climb. This is a full-body weight loss exercise.

Kettlebell exercise

Kettlebell exercise is suggested for those who love to work out at home and do not like going to the gym. These exercises are ideal for burning calories and strength training, which are important for shedding kilos. Exercising with a kettlebell has another advantage, it can help your target complicated muscles which are often kept unactivated while doing barbell or dumbbell exercises. These exercises can help you to burn nearly 20 calories every minute.

The Bottom Line

Losing weight is easier said than done. If you think by having a good food habit, a clean lifestyle is not always enough to lose weight. You will also need to do some of the exercises on a regular basis along with other habits. In the above article, we have mentioned 5 weight loss workouts that you can incorporate into your regular routine to get results in just a few days. 

Frequently Asked Questions On weight Loss Workout

What exercise burns the most belly fat?

To burn belly fat you can choose exercises like jumping rope. This weight loss workout is ideal for days when you want to avoid going out for a cardio session or you want to avoid spending a good amount of time in the gym. Just 15 minutes of the skipping rope can offer you a good cardio workout and help you to burn nearly 200 to 300 calories.

Is a 30 minute workout good to lose weight?

HIIT is ideal for experienced fitness lovers. HIIT is an advanced form of a workout that can help the performer burn anywhere among 450 calories in every 30 minutes.

Can I lose belly fat in 7 days?

If you are wondering about the exercise for weight loss in 7 days then you are at the right place. Yes, you can lose belly fat in just 7 days. For that, you are required to follow some of the workouts that have been mentioned above, along with following your weight loss diet and healthy lifestyle.
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Alessia Braun

Alessia Braun is a health, fitness, and beauty influencer who wishes to share her knowledge through her articles in News Magnify.

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