In the recent time when India’s primary need is a strong medical infrastructure, Maruti Suzuki has taken their big leap in being by the side of the people of India in fighting Covid-19. Maruti Suzuki Zydus partnership enabled this project. But the hospital was completely funded by the Maruti Suzuki Foundation. This is a multi specialty hospital constructed in Sitapur which is located in Gujarat.
Maruti Suzuki India Limited was previously known as Maruti Udyog Limited. It is an ancillary of the Japanese automotive manufacturer Suzuki. It was owned and founded by the Government of India from 1981 to 2003. Later it was sold to Suzuki Motor Corporation by the Government of India in 2003. As of July 2018, it had a market share of 53 per cent in the Indian passenger car market and is the leading car manufacturer of India.
Maruti Suzuki identifies its social responsibilities and tries to fulfil them On their official website they write,
“Maruti Suzuki strives to be a people’s company, and for that, it needs to take care of everyone. Not only is it completely dedicated to the customers, but also to the communities around the facilities. As a part of the community development program, Maruti Suzuki identifies their needs through formal surveys, one to one contact, and by engaging with the leaders. Their CSR programs tackle social issues at both local and national level in order to develop scalable, impactful, and sustainable social programs that leave a visible impact for the future generations.”
This hospital is expected to serve around 3.7 lakhs of Sitapur residents and its adjoining villages. It has a facility of 50 beds that can be expanded upto 100 beds as per a press release issued by Maruti Suzuki. Along with that, Maruti Suzuki that is known to be India’s largest car maker said that the hospital was constructed on a land area that was as big as 7.5 acres and is the first hospital in that area that has su[per specialty services. Mr Kenichi Ayukawa, MD and CEO, Maruti Suzuki India said,
“When our Gujarat car plant started, there was no major medical facility available in the region. We decided to build a good quality multi-speciality hospital for the benefit of all residents of that area and partnered with one of the best names in healthcare – Zydus Hospitals. Fortunately, it was in time for the Covid-19 second wave and we have converted it into a Covid care facility to help fight the pandemic. We would like to express our gratitude to the Government of Gujarat and the Government authorities of Ahmedabad District for their support in this project.”
Maruti Suzuki has a manufacturing unit in Gujarat, and its Hansalpur plant holds the capacity to produce 5 lakhs units every year. The only concern in that area was proper medical service. And that is the reason the Maruti Suzuki Zydus partnership constructed this multi specialty hospital.
The plans to create this hospital were not new. It was already a plan even before the covid-19 hit the world but it was added by Ayukawa that the Maruti Suzuki Zydus partnership has been successful in converting this hospital into a covid-19 care establishment for treating the infected patients.
There are various automobile companies that came to the forefront to extend support for covid-19 recovery either directly or indirectly. With the medical infrastructure to fulfill the shortage of medical aids in India has become more crucial than ever before. So Maruti Suzuki Zydus Partnership was successful in creating that aid for India.
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